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Sunshine, Daffodils and a Spring catch-up

Ah, I do love daffodils. I don't know whether it's because they only pop up at just the right time when you're just plain sick of the cold and both going to and coming back from work in the dark. And they have such sunny little faces! Anyway, I like them and it's spring so they're everywhere so that's happy news!

What has been somewhat less happy has been my reading month.

I changed departments at work earlier in the month and have been spending a lot of time getting myself up to speed. And, as I'm now in litigation, the speed is really fast!

So, the numbers are small but here they are!...

Complete books read: 3 (and three quarters...)

Pages: 1255 (including my three-quarters!)

This month, these lovely offerings were:

Never Let Me Go by Kazuo Ishiguro
The Book of Tomorrow by Cecelia Ahern
Blameless by Gail Carriger

Like I said, a poor reading month. Ordinarily, I'd compare how many male authors I've read against how many female and how many eBooks I've read compared to paperbacks and so on. But I don't suppose there's a great deal of point in doing that for this month! However, for this quarter, those numbers look a little like this...

Male v. Female 3 by men; 8 by women

I realised my subconscious' leaning towards female authors when I wrote a post about women writers - I was a tad disappointed when I realised but I thought then, and still think now, that as long as its subconcious, it's not too bad. But still, I think I might make a little push to read more male authors and see if I notice the difference.

eBook v. Paperback 4 eBooks; 7 paperbacks

This split has largely been down to my participation in the TBR DARE - I vowed to read only books I already owned from 1st January 2011 to today without buying any more at all! It was really tough but I'm rather proud of managing to curb my book buying habits to zero for a whole quarter of the year. My LibraryThing and Amazon wishlists are bursting at the seams, though...obviously...

Where to next?

I'm currently reading 'The Picture of Dorian Gray' and am absolutely in love with it. I just can't get enough of the way that Wilde writes and now that my book buying ban is lifted, I will definitely be grabbing up some of his short stories.

Today commenced the Lady Chatterley's Lover readalong at A Literary Odyssey - it isn't too late to sign up here. My views and those of the other participants will be up in a fortnight's time.

As always, I have a ton of books to read and what with a holiday touring around Italy and a good couple of bank holidays coming up, the reading future is looking bright :)


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